World Association for Chinese Quality of Life (WACQOL)
World Association for Chinese Quality of Life (WACQOL)
An International Organization Dedicated to the Education and Research of Quality of Life in the Chinese Population

Assessment Tools

Questionnaires for assessing quality of life must have gone through rigorous validation process whether they are developed or adopted from another cultural group. They following is a non-exclusive list of databases that comprise questionnaires for assessing quality of life.

  1. Patient-Reported Outcome and Quality of Life Instruments Database (PROQOLID)
  2. PROQOLID is a database of tools available for assessing quality of life of individuals. It is managed and made freely available (for basic search) by MAPI Research Trust. Most of the tools have been validated in their target populations, but their Chinese versions may not be available.

  3. Authentic Happiness
  4. It lists scales for measuring emotions, engagement, meaning, and life satisfaction. All of them are freely available.

  5. Dr. Ed Diener's Home Page
  6. It comprises scales for measuring life satisfaction.

  7. European Research Group On Health Outcomes
  8. It includes a list of quality of life scales in ambulatory care, with also a discussion of how to choose a health outcome measurement instrument.